Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday, October 19th

Dr. Brown came early and talked to Jose & myself. He is happy with Augusto’s progress. There was some more fluid drained from his left lung but the right one is clean and they will remove that canula inserted on the side of his chest. Scheduled surgery will proceed as stated.

We are encouraged by the way he is responding to treatment and fighting to come out shining.  The kids are well and yesterday we went to see Julian play football where he did good and the coach called him out at the end and congratulated him in front of his buddies.

Thanks to all for your thoughts, prayers, wishes, etc.
Kiko, Mari, Jose, Karla, Kerry, Elena & Julian

1 comment:

  1. GRACIAS KIKO! This Blog will help family and friends to keep up with Augusto and Karla's progress report.
    Everyone is praying and knowing that God is with them and with all- we look forward for those updates. It is so hard to be away! .... THANKS!- I will pass it on to all our friends!
    Cuqui, AUGUSTO'S MOM
