Friday, October 21, 2011

End of surgical episode at 1130 hr.

Dr. Felberg, the Cardio-Vascular surgeon just came to tell us the operation is finished and everything went as expected. He explained, as we questioned him, that the injury was bad and that in these cases, 85% of the patients do not make past the emergency room. Augusto will not suffer consequences as far as longevity, quality of life and movement.  He added that if he continues doing well, he will send him back to Brakenridge Hospital this afternoon instead of tomorrow as thought before. We are happy to say the least.
Now he starts his recovery period, this may take some time and support.


  1. The above statement: Posted by Kiko at 9:35 will hold true at some point on earth. Here in Austin TX is 1135 hr.

  2. Thank you God!!! We continue to pray! Thank you Tio Kiko for keeping us posted... as I said days before.... Aigusto will get out of this one, with flying colors!!! He is a Villalon-Capmany, what can you expect :D I love you all!!

  3. Devin just corrected me on a statement. Dr. Felberg said:
    85% of patients with this Aorta's damage never make alive out of the crash-site and that from the 15% that do make it to the emergency room, 80% do not make it. Augusto has defied the odds and we celebrate this. Devin also quoted Dr. Felberg stating that he used a new procedure for this operation.

  4. Thank God! Thanks to family and friends who are praying uncesantly! As Patty says "Augusto and Karla will get out of this with flying colors" -IN GOD WE TRUST! Thank all of you who are at his side physically and afar.. I'm with you in spirit.

  5. Kiko,thanks for the update of the surgery of his son. We are happy with the results. We continue to pray to God for him and you. God blessyou!!!. Olga Lidia , Carlos and lanny

  6. Kiko:

    we met only briefly a week ago but my heart sank at the initial news of this event. I am so happy to hear that things are progressing well & there are such wonderful docs & nurses taking care of Augusto and Karla. The angels are smiling upon all of you! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours

    Barbara and Jeff Halpern

  7. cecilia hernandez nicholsOctober 21, 2011 at 12:34 PM

    Dear Tio Kiko,
    Hurrah! Does he have to go through any more surgeries?

    Besos de Ceci

  8. Kiko,
    Que alegría! Esto ha sido milagroso! Hacía mucho tiempo que no rezaba y lo hice con la esperanza de que como no soy de estar molestando al "Jefe" frecuentemente quizàs me escuchaba. Aquì todos los Capmany estan de fiesta con la mejoría de Augusto y Karla, confiados en que la recuperaciòn sea total y lo màs rápida posible.

  9. Kiko,Cuqui,Todos los Villalon-Capmany, familiares y amigos:

    Bendito Sea Dios!!! Gràcias Dios!!!, Gràcias Angeles & Santos!!!
    Gràcias,Gràcias Gràcias!!!
    Un abrazo muy fuerte

  10. Kiko, Gracias al señor todo poderoso por estos resultados hasta ahora obtenido, esperamos y deseamos su recuperacion.Por medio de esta cadena de oracion amigos y familiares nos hemos mantenido aunque a distancia(nosotros)cerca de ustedes , por la vida de Augusto y Karla.Ah!!!(Sorry por el his en vez de your son). Cariños de Olga Lidia, Carlos y Lanny(Amigos de Tampa)

  11. I knew Augusto and Jose from Cammack Village and Catholic High Terrific friends, strong men. My prayers are with you.
