Sunday, November 6, 2011

November 7, 2011 Reported by Karla and summarized by Anita

This is Augusto's update, Karla just called.

-  NO canula oxygen,  now he is totally breathing by himself
-  Pneumonia, a little better.
-  Food: He is still being fed by a tube, Karla is going to ask the doctor to try a swallowing test later.
-  Respiratory system: Breathing is stable
- Awareness: Today was fine, though insisting to get a wheelchair to go home.  Last night at midnight
  the nurses noticed him confused in a awareness test, they say it could be because the length of time in ICU.
- He is in ICU, but in practical terms he is in Intermediate Care for the type of care he requires.  The room
  in the floor Augusto needs is still busy.

I'll keep you informed.

1 comment:

  1. We are grateful that he has all of the wonderful care. Counting on him to continue to improve!
